Wire Rope Ungalvanise

Wire Rope Ungalvanise   Bright steel wire is chiefly used for wire ropes of wich the (rope) life is determined by wear and deterioration rather than by corrosion. when conparing the effects of wear and deterioration with that of corrosion one should bear in mind that even a bright wire rope can to some extent…

Wire Rope Galvanise

Wire Rope Galvanise The wire is drawn to a diameter larger than the required final diameter, than it is hot dip galvanized and afterwards  drawn to the right size. During the last phase the wire is drawn cold and thereby the quality of the bright raw material wich was partially lost by galvanizing process is…

Wire Rope Stainless Steel

Wire Rope Stainless Steel Wire rope made of stainless steel wire are extremely resistant to corrosion and moreover, to temperature up to 1050 C. Originally only the AISI types 304 and 302 were used for rope making but today almost all our stainless steel wire ropes are made of steel according to AISI type 316…

Polyester Flat Webbing Sling Sinoforge

Polyester Flat Webbing Sling Sinoforge Synthetic Sling – High Strength, Low Weight and Easy to Handle Synthetic Lifting Slings A synthetic lifting sling is employed in operations that use rigging supplies, hoists, cranes, and crane wire ropes. Several top quality materials are utilized to manufacture durable synthetic lifting slings, with the normal ones being alloy…

Chain Block HHLift

Chain Block HHLift   Chain Blocks that gives you power to lift heavy objects   For lifting the load vertically, you should depend on a good quality chain block. Precision and not speed may be your main target. In this case, you can select cost-effective Chain Blocks as the best option. Any of your employees…